Dr. Simran Kaur and, Dr. Matthew Garcia all want to ensure the health of children who visit our office. If your child has had a pediatric dental surgery in Durham, North Carolina, our dentists can go over steps on how to protect your child’s teeth. Your child’s lip and tongue may be numb for as long as four hours. During this time, children may bite their lip, cheek or tongue without feeling pain. Please observe your child to help prevent unnecessary injury.

  • Try to limit physical activity for the first 24 hours to allow a clot to form.
  • Do not rinse vigorously for 24 hours. Rinse gently with water after eating and tooth brushing.
  • Your child should drink plenty of fluids for 24 hours. Do not have them drink through a straw.
  • Control bleeding by holding gauze on the site with pressure. Moderate pressure should be maintained for 30 minutes. Biting a tea bag can also stop bleeding.
  • Eat a soft diet (such as soup, gelatin, etc.) for the first 24 hours. Avoid very hot fluids.
  • Give your child an appropriate child’s dose of Tylenol® for pain or a slight fever.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call Willowdaile Cosmetic and Family at 919-479-5800. Thank you for trusting us with your child’s health!