Take care of your smile following your scaling and root planing in Durham, North Carolina. Please read and follow these procedures in order to prevent possible complications and to keep comfortable following your deep dental cleaning.

Care of Your Mouth: Each day, be sure to rinse with warm saltwater two or three times; you can make this using a single teaspoon of salt, mixed with about eight ounces of water. Keep up with good dental habits (gentle brushing and flossing) and keep yourself hydrated.

Discomfort: Gums may ache for a few days, but this can be easily relived using over-the-counter pain medicine, such as mild ibuprofen. Some people also may experience sensitivity to heat or cold. Apply fluoridated toothpaste to your sensitive tooth and be sure to keep regularly brushing and flossing to remove plaque.

Eating: Patients’ first meal after visiting Willowdaile Cosmetic and Family should be soft and they should avoid hard, crunchy snacks for three to four days.

Smoking: We suggest that all patients avoid smoking and tobacco products after their scaling and root planing. These products can prevent the site from healing properly, especially in the first 24 hours after your appointment.

The results from this treatment will depend on changes to personal oral hygiene habits, as well as follow-up exams and visits to Willowdaile Cosmetic and Family. Plan your scaling and root planing with our experienced dentists, Dr. Simran Kaur, and Dr. Matthew Garcia today by calling us at 919-479-5800.